As most of us all know Heath Ledger died January 22, 2008. I find this absolutly crazy and upseting. He was such a young and wonderful actor who was nominated for an academy award.
Us Weekly claims that he was an abuser of alcohol and drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and pills. It was also said that this all started once he and the actress Michelle Williams broke up.
Also in Us Weekly it was said that Michelle Williams tried to get him help but refused to go to rehab and beause of this she rufused to let him see their daughter matilda unless he got drug tested!
Although Ledger has been identified as a drug user, I do not believe that drugs were the actual cause of his death. I believe that he was simply over-tired from his redeye flight and was looking to catch some good sleep. The sleeping pills must not have mixed well with his body chemistry.
Does anyone else (other than Michelle Williams according to Perez Hilton's website) agree with my speculation on Ledgers cause of death? Or do you think that it was because he was administering drugs?
Us Weekly claims that he was an abuser of alcohol and drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and pills. It was also said that this all started once he and the actress Michelle Williams broke up.
Also in Us Weekly it was said that Michelle Williams tried to get him help but refused to go to rehab and beause of this she rufused to let him see their daughter matilda unless he got drug tested!
Although Ledger has been identified as a drug user, I do not believe that drugs were the actual cause of his death. I believe that he was simply over-tired from his redeye flight and was looking to catch some good sleep. The sleeping pills must not have mixed well with his body chemistry.
Does anyone else (other than Michelle Williams according to Perez Hilton's website) agree with my speculation on Ledgers cause of death? Or do you think that it was because he was administering drugs?